
Populism and Democratic Deconsolidation

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Political Motivation

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Electoral Studies and Political Attitudes

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Methodology and Meta-Research

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Work in progress / under review

  • Breznau, N.; Rinke, E.; and Wuttke, A. et al.: “How Many Replicators Does It Take to Achieve Reliability? Investigating Researcher Variability in a Crowdsourced Replication”

  • Wuttke, A. [submitted]: “Democratic Support as Truism: Ordinary Citizens’ Vulnerability to Anti-democratic Temptations”, Public Opinion Quarterly.

  • Wuttke, A.: “Conceptualizing motivational pathways to political engagement: A test of self-determination theory in the political domain”

  • Wuttke, A., Breznau, N., Rinke, E.: „Deliberative Research: Can Reasoned Debate Improve the Scientific Process?“

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Editorial work

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Other Publications

  • Jungherr, Andreas; Mader, Matthias, Schoen, Harald; Wuttke, Alexander (2018). “For free trade, but against TTIP: public opinion and the backlash against globalization”, LSE Business Review

  • Wuttke, Alexander (2018). "Wie Partizipation wirkt: Attraktivere Parteien durch mehr Mitbestimmung?”, DeFacto –Belegt, was andere meinen,

  • Wuttke, Alexander (2018). "The Roots of Why Some People Care About Politics And Other do Not”, International Society of Political Psychology Blog.

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Survey data

  • Roßteutscher, S.; Schmitt-Beck, R.; Schoen, H.; Weßels, B.; Wolf, C.; Preißinger, M.; Kratz, A.; Wuttke, A. (2018): Long-term Panel 2013-2017 (GLES). GESIS Data Archive. ZA5770.

  • Roßteutscher, Sigrid; Schmitt-Beck, R.; Schoen, H. ; Weßels, B.; Wolf, C.; Preißinger, M.; Rudnik, A.; Wuttke, A. (2017): Short-term Campaign Panel 2017 (GLES). GESIS Data Archive, Cologne, ZA6804 Data file.

  • Wuttke, A.; Jungherr, A.; Schoen, H. (2017): Longitudinal party member survey, CDU Berlin. GESIS Data Archive.

  • Rattinger, H.; Roßteutscher, S.; Schmitt-Beck, R.; Schoen, H.; Weßels, B.; Wolf, C.; Blumenstiel, J. E.; Gärtner, L.; Kratz, A.; Plischke, T.; Preißinger, M.; Wiegand, E.; Wuttke, A. (2018): Repeatedly questioned respondents of the Short-term Campaign Panel 2013 and 2017 (GLES). GESIS Data Archive. ZA6827.

  • Roßteutscher, S.; Schmitt-Beck, R.; Schoen, H.; Weßels, B.; Wolf, C.; Preißinger, M.; Kratz, A.; Wuttke, A. (2018): Short-term Campaign Panel – Lower Saxony election wave (GLES 2017). GESIS Data Archive.

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Invited talks

  • “Are citizens turning away from democracy?”, University of Gothenburg, 30/03/2021.

  • “Open Social Science A Primer on Conducting Transparent and Reliable Research”, V-DEM Institute

  • „Open Science: Warum wir Forschungsbefunden oft nicht trauen können und was wir dagegen tun können“, presented at Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing, 11/23/2018 in Heidelberg.

  • „Testing the power of interest group persuasion – A parallel field- and survey experiment“, presented at „WZB Berlin Social Science Center“, 11/17/2016 in Berlin

  • "Why too many social scientific findings cannot be trusted and what we can do about it", presented at IKMZ. Zurich, 09/24/2016 in Zurich.

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